Are your SAFETY documents EFFECTIVE ?
There is a lot of talk in certain circles about the effectiveness of a number of “outside of legislation” requirements that builders and subcontractors are having to adhere to. The reasons for this are many and too long to take up within this article. Suffice it to say though, that at some stage of your safety maturity / growth cycle within your organisation, someone needs to ask the question – Is what we are doing EFFECTIVE ? Is our safety paperwork just paperwork, or is it an effective tool in effectively managing workplace hazards and reducing risks for our workers.
A lot of what has become the norm for the construction industry could be said to be de-humanising the core reason for implementing systems for control. Many believe that the current processes of managing safety are in fact just maintaining a management system instead. There may be some truth to this viewpoint. However, the safety culture of organisations and the industry at large are on a continued growth curve and at its simplest, entry level to safety is generally initiated due to legislative, client or industry demands. I believe this is a good thing as having some safety processes are better than no safety processes at all.
The value add comes by ensuring that what you are doing is effective, efficient and fits with your organisational processes. This is where Safety In Industry can greatly assist. We are 30 year industry professionals that design, develop and implement management systems for construction industry participants. If you would like a no obligation review of your safety documentation then drop us an email and we can schedule your review.
Craig Clancy (B.App Sc – Const Mng)
Director – Safety In Industry Pty Ltd
M: 0458 797 836