Scissors, Paper, Rock !!!
Is this how you determine the control measures for hazards identified in your work activities !
Sounds a bit childish I know, but with some of the incidents that occur on sites it could be interpreted that this is how work teams have determined to control a hazard.
Whilst risk assessment tools like a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS), Job Safety and Environmental Analysis (JSEA), Hazard ID, Take 5, Step back assist with the identification of hazards, workers MUST think about how the risks of that hazard need to be effectively controlled.
Relying on a stock standard, off the shelf risk assessment you have used time and again to somehow ‘protect’ you from injury is fraught with danger and may result in some serious injury.
Controls need to be specific to that particular activity, the site, the environment and a multitude of surrounding and potentially contributing factors.
Even when you may have this right, each worker has their own understanding of what risk is or means to them. This can be based on past experience, watching / learned from others or the value individuals place on the perceived risks.
Involving workers in the development of risk assessments is important to ensure a well rounded view of what could potentially go wrong.
Whilst risk assessment tools are not the be all and end all to a safe site or safe worker behaviours, they certainly go a long way to creating an awareness of safe practices.
Safety in Industry have helped countless contractors and builders across the country in meeting their obligations under the Safety Act with Safety documentation such as Safe Work Method Statements, Safety Management Plans and Manuals and implementation of 3rd party accredited management systems to FSC implementations.
They also provide a number of other specialist services such as capability statement writing, tender and bid writing, and construction and safety management training.
Craig Clancy (B.App Sc – Const Mng)
Safety In Industry Pty Ltd
M: 0458 797 836