Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

Top Benefits Created By A Properly Carried Out Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

Work operations, even in administrative settings (office work), come with a myriad of safety concerns; therefore, it’s imperative to establish a sound risk management system to minimise the disturbances and dangers these safety issues can create. A major component of risk management is a Job Safety Analysis or JSA, which is defined as the “systematic examination of a job through the identification of potential hazards, risk assessment, and evaluation of practical measures to control the risk.”

Job safety analysis is composed of four basic steps: the selection of the job to be analysed (ideally, all jobs should be thoroughly analysed, but there are certain ones that present higher and more severe risks so they are prioritised over others), the breaking down of the job into a sequence of steps, the identification of potential hazards in all aspects of operations, and the determination of preventive measures (methods, clothing, behaviours, etc.) to overcome these identified hazards.

Industry experts claim that a properly carried out job safety analysis can yield a bounty of benefits for any organisation, safety- and economic-wise, and the following are deemed the most important ones:

· There is increased job knowledge for workers, so operations become more streamlined. When operations are made efficient, there’s improved quality and quantity of output. All these can improve employees’ morale and, more importantly, harness bigger profits for the business.

· JSA can serve as a reference for safe daily operation, though it’s more ideal that employees learn the process by heart.

· Accidents can be prevented which then can mean that the company would not have to shoulder unnecessary health or medical expenses. Compensation for injured workers is no joke; it’s a fact that professional treatments can be quite expensive. And it’s important to mention as well that it can also be a long-term financial responsibility that can eat away at the financial stock of the business.

· Early turnover of expensive equipment can be prevented as well. Safe and proper use of equipment will ensure that they last a long time, which then will translate into big savings over time. Most pieces of operational equipment are pricey, so making the fullest functional use of them should be every company’s goal.

· Communication of workers and supervisors is improved; with established processes, there’ll be fewer questions and different interpretations of answers going around.

· And lastly, for accident investigations, it’s bound to be easier to get to what caused the unfortunate incident.

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