We are having a great response to the SPoR Methods Workshop so far. But I am getting some
questions which I think I should be able to answer here.Q: I am not available on the 1st of February.
A: Email me and we can arrange a different time.
Q: I would like my Team to have a session.
A: Email me and we can organise a session for the entire Team, and this makes it far easier to understand and discuss when it is social.
Q: I want to do more study with Centre for Leadership and Learning in Risk (CLLR) but not until the second half of the year, will you be doing more Introductions to SPoR Methods?
A: As Dr Rob Long releases his study programs throughout the year, we will ensure that you have other opportunities to participate in SPoR Methods program, the prerequisite to SPoR programs.
The Centre for Leadership and Learning in Risk (CLLR) and Risk Diversity is holding Introduction to SPoR Methods on the 1st of February 2024.
There will be an Australia/Pacific, Americas and Europe/Africa time slots, details below.
This is a pre-requisite for all SPoR Courses. This will facilitate learning in basic SPoR concepts.
Australia/Pacific and Asia: Thursday 1st Feb 10:00am 12:00pm (ACDT)
Americas: Wednesday 31st January 14:30pm – 16:30pm Eastern Standard Time (USA)
Europe and Africa: Thursday 1st February 8:30am 10:30am Central European Time
How to Register:
Email to matthew@riskdiversity.com.au and you will be placed in a session and any questions answered.
You will then be sent a Zoom meeting request, accept the meeting request and that will adapt it to your time zone (wherever you are in the world) and create a meeting request in your calendar.
Presenter/Facilitator: Matt Thorne
Author of SPoR and Semiotics, Methods to Tackle Risk
International Presenter
Director of Studies Asia/Pacific at Centre of Leadership and Learning in Risk