Any fixation or obsession is a sign of poor mental health. How strange that this industry of safety, encourages such extremism and dysfunction. I have written about how Safety encourages obsession before.
Much of this warped worldview comes from an industry that frames safety defined by injury rates, and it clearly doesn’t know what to do. Feeling safe for a moment in no way mitigates risk. Risk always remains with us, just as does fallibility. The key is knowing how to adapt and live with these realities and remain resilient in the face of things when risk goes wrong. The trouble is Safety has created an industry that deems harm evil and the presence of injury as the absence of safety.
Such a worldview drives to an extremist understanding of life and fosters the delusions of zero ideology ( Such a worldview encourages people to identify as safety! For such people safety is no longer an outcome, it is made a persona. ( Such identity formation is also a sign of a mental health disorder.
Sorry to tell those folks, no one is the personification or being of safety. When one is fixated on safety to such an extent that identity is anchored to itself, this is a fixation. Fixity is a mental health disorder because it disables movement. The inability to move is anti-learning. Hyper-fixation is even worse.
Whenever I criticise Safety, I do not criticise persons rather the Archetype of Safety. The Archetype is a force or energy of Safety that believes it can override others just as long as safety is the outcome. Archetypes has an energy to themselves, above the individuals in any group or organisation. When safety is equated to zero, this will to override others leads to brutalism.
When thinking about how to live with risk and tackle risk, the last place to start is a focus on safety as an outcome ( The worst place to start in thinking about risk is a fixation on zero!
If one really wants to consider a realistic outcome in tackling risk, then the focus should be on resilience! Safety is NOT the foundation for considering risk (
The purpose and meaning of risk are that you don’t know the outcome. Risk outcomes cannot be predicted. This is the blessing of fallibility and the beauty of risk ( This is what makes learning and resilience so vital to the way we think about risk. When you know you live in a world of risk, you come alive. Risk is what enlivens us to learning and resilience.
I don’t get up each morning and think safety. I think life, living, being and moving in what has to be done, the people with whom I move and, our meaning and purpose in being.
If injury or harm result from a risk the next step is adaptation, movement and the development of resilience. This is normal living. Avoidance of risk is also a mental health disorder.
A fixation on safety stifles living. This is why zero is an immoral goal ( This is because zero is the ideology of stasis and non-movement. There is no learning without movement and all movement requires resilience to move, no matter what the outcome. This is why the ideology of zero is anti-learning. To then propose that zero is as ‘science’ ( just demonstrates how dumb this industry is.
If you want to learn about practicing resilience in the face of risk (and how to dump the ideology of zero). Then why not register for the free online workshop with Matt Thorne?
Matthew Thorne
Executive Director
Mobile: 0413 771 723
In this workshop you will learn about a positive and practical way one can tackle risk without needing a fixation on safety or zero. And it should be no surprise, when you learn how to dump zero, safety improves (