Take Care of You, Take Care of Two

Take Care of You, Take Care of Two

Pregnancy & Development of Your Baby 2015/16 – Released

PD6-5-Chart-Image-72dpiWhile it is important for mothers to ensure they are doing everything possible to keep their unborn baby healthy, it is also essential for mothers to take care of themselves, especially while their body is changing.

Pro-Visual Publishing, in collaboration with Continence Foundation of Australia, has released their 2015/16 edition of the Pregnancy & Development of Your Baby which will assist expecting mothers in taking care of their body through these changes.

Pregnancy can have a lasting effect on the fitness of the pelvic floor muscle; as a result women may find that they experience leaking. Pelvic floor muscle exercise is an effective way for mothers to reduce the risk of developing incontinence. During pregnancy, pressure is placed upon the legs, which can affect blood flow. Compression therapy stockings help women to relieve swollen aching ankles and reduce the risk of developing varicose veins during pregnancy by improving circulation. A baby checklist is an essential guideline that will assist parents in preparing for the arrival of their newborn. The checklist outlines what items parents will need and how to baby-proof their home.

“I would like to thank all of the sponsors of the Pregnancy & Development of Your Baby 2015/16 guide. Their support has made it possible for the guide to be distributed free of charge”, said John Hutchings, CEO, Pro-Visual Publishing.

Pro-Visual Publishing is the leading specialist in wall-mounted workplace health & safety, food safety & hygiene and health and wellbeing information resource charts. Each chart is practical and informative, providing a quick reference point for management and staff. Pro-Visual Publishing’s charts are designed to inform, motivate, educate and above all keep people and their workplaces safe!

For further information, or to obtain additional copies of the Chart, please call (02) 8272 2611, email marketing@provisual.com.au or visit www.provisual.com.au

For Media Enquiries or images please contact Deanna Davenport at Pro-Visual Publishing on (02) 8272 2611 or ddavenport@provisual.com.au

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