People Power–Would The Safety Monster Approve of This? Stirling Station, Perth, Western Australia. A man boarding a train slips down the gap (right next to the warning sign!) and gets stuck. While authorities scratched their heads and worked out what to do, people power took over and rescued the man in minutes, the Station Master was powerless to stop them! Then everyone just boarded the train and it continued on its journey, no blame, no paperwork (yet). Can you imagine the chaos that would have ensued and the extra suffering if Safety Monster were let loose and formal platform entrapment procedures enacted? Quote from a witness: ‘He seemed to be a bit sheepish, because right where he fell was the ‘mind the gap’ writing,’ he said. ‘They did a really good job, they took control and handled it well. When I first saw it I thought we’d be there for hours.’ he said. Instead of a public bollocking for fool hardy risk taking, Transperth have apparently praised the quick thinking of staff and commuters and have released the CCTV footage below. Skip to 11min 30sec People Power–Would The Safety Monster Approve of This? was last modified: August 7th, 2014 by Dave Collins Related