We have decided to release for free the successful Due Diligence program.
Due Diligence
This video series is the record of the Due Diligence Program conducted by Greg Smith and Dr Long – https://cllr.com.au/product/due-diligence-workshop-unit-13/ This particular session was conducted at the Wayside Chapel Kings Cross (https://www.waysidechapel.org.au/) and enabled participants to experience all the amazing work done there and understand the nature of risk with people living on the street.
If you would like to do this very powerful program in your organisation or region, please contact Dr Long for a quote (robertlong2@mac.com).
Dr Long, Greg Smith and Dr Craig Ashhurst have also made for free, the video series Risky Conversations. Risky Conversations is a series of 3-way conversations about the nature of the Work, Health and Safety law and reflections from SPoR and Dr Ashhurst’s work on Wicked Problems. You can access these videos here:
Free Video on Risky Conversations
Risky Conversations
The video series is also complemented by the free book on Risky Conversations here: https://www.humandymensions.com/product/risky-conversations/
All of these resources have been designed to help people in risk and safety better tackle risk with the law with SPoR in Mind.
Free Module on Introduction to SPoR
This new release of the Due Diligence Module complements the many resources offered for free by SPoR including the Introduction to SPoR Video Introduction here: https://vimeo.com/showcase/4233556
Free Module on Culture
The current free offering of the Culture Program (https://cllr.com.au/product/culture-leadership-program-unit-15/) is oversubscribed and running flat out with many people really enjoying the challenges and learning.
Free Module on Ethics
The next free module on offer is the Ethics Module (https://cllr.com.au/product/an-ethic-of-risk-unit-17/) which commences with the first Zoom sessions every Tuesday at 9am (Canberra time) starting on 28 March and with sessions at 9 am and each following Tuesday at 9 am for 5 weeks. Places are limited.
Register for this free module here: robertlong2@mac.com
Registrations close on 10 February.
Please do not sign up just because this is free. You will be expected to do some reading, view videos and journal prior to the first Zoom. So, don’t commit unless you have a genuine need for learning.
4. DUE DILIGENCE from Human Dymensions on Vimeo.