Avoid the Worst – Put Safety First
Rail Industry Guide to Safety 2015/16 – Released
Implementing safe work procedures can prevent many of the injuries and accidents that occur in the rail industry. Rail operators and workers must understand their duties to ensure a safe work environment. Safety should always come first, which is why Pro-Visual Publishing, in collaboration with the Rail Track Association of Australia (RTAA) and Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR), has released the Rail Industry Guide to Safety 2015/16, an essential resource that aims to educate rail operators by demonstrating various ways to promote safe work practices in the rail sector.
Key requirements under rail safety regulations mean that rail transport employers are obligated to manage risks that ensure the safety of their workers. By providing proper training, employers ensure that the number of risks workers face each day are minimised or eliminated. Changes that occur in the workplace can impact workers’ ability to perform work in a safe way, which is why effective change management measures should be put into place.
A safety management system is a must in any workplace. It should cover such things as rail safety worker accreditation, procedures to follow in case of an emergency, and management of the risks associated with fatigue.
“I would like to thank all of the sponsors of the Rail Industry Guide to Safety 2015/16. Their support has made it possible for the Guide to be distributed free of charge.”
– John Hutchings, CEO, Pro-Visual Publishing.
Pro-Visual Publishing is the leading specialist in wall-mounted workplace health & safety, food safety & hygiene, and wellbeing information resource Guides. Each Guide is practical and informative, providing a quick reference point for management and staff. Pro-Visual Publishing’s Guides are designed to inform, motivate, educate and above all keep people and their workplaces safe!
For further information, or to obtain additional copies of the Guide, please call (02) 8272 2611, email marketing@provisual.com.au or visit www.provisual.com.au
For Media Enquiries or images please contact Deanna Davenport at Pro-Visual Publishing on (02) 8272 2611 or ddavenport@provisual.com.au