It is only a month to go to the SPoR convention in Canberra. We have a good group registered for the face-to-face workshops in SPoR in Canberra 18-21 September with Dr Long and Dr Ashhurst. The group is a mix of experienced people practicing SPoR methods at work and new people just starting out and enquiring. It doesn’t matter what is your interest, this will be the only face to face workshops offered for some time. We have registrations from Poland, Austria and New Zealand and people from all over Australia.
It is not too late to register, email:
The workshops will focus on demythologising the many myths of Safety and reconstructing methods that are actually helpful and practical in tackling risk. For example: You will read in the current program for the Zero Congress approaching in Sydney in November, all kinds of spin about zero as a ‘culture’ (p.45) and ‘strategy’ (p.50). Of course, zero is none of this.
Zero is at best a slogan, religious mantra, numerical goal and an ideology.
There are no methods proposed by Zero to tackle risk just as there are no methods proposed by S2. In the end one is left high and dry with promises and spin, returning quickly to traditional safety.
There is no answer from Zero when one asks: OK, so what do I do? And the response is: ‘nothing new’. When Zero talks about ‘new models’ (p.50), there are no new models. When Zero talks about ‘adding value’ (p.50) there is no mechanism to add value.
There is nothing new in counting injury rates and modifying systems that help with dehumanising people through zero. There is no vision for anything in zero ( ). Just ask a ‘zero vision’ person what the vision is and the answer is – no harm – no injuries. OK, good, by what method do you suggest will get you to zero? Answer, the same old stuff Safety has been doing for 50 years.
All of this spin spruiked by Zero is high on promise but no method is offered. It’s mythology.
In SPoR, we not only deconstruct the myths of Safety but offer constructive, practical, positive methods for culture change, better methods for tackling risk and enabling persons to be humanised in the process.
In SPoR, we simply offer a new way of tackling risk through visual and verbal learning that Works (
If you want to learn how SPoR can change your methods in safety, you can meet others who are doing so at the convention including, Brian Darlington and others who has been doing SPoR in their workplaces for several years. You can register here: email: