Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is due for release this week and reminds us of the myth of the hero. Particularly, the addiction of Safety to this myth. Here are a few examples:
This stuff is pure vomit material and loaded with all the semiotics one needs to teach people that safety is NOT for them. Of course, Safety is never content to just corrupt the minds of adults, these school programs of indoctrination are simply sickening.
Of course, the hero of Zero is the close cousin of the hero indeed, the impossibility of both is foundational to the myth:
All of this language and semiotics is pure safety ‘goop’ and has no place in helping people understand risk. All of this language is in the grand tradition of speaking nonsense to people ( ) and, then expecting people to make sense of safety ( ).
If you want to be completely irrelevant to the average worker faced with the complexities and challenges of risk, just anchor ( to the hero myth.
The language of heroes and heroines is complete disconnection from the day-to-day challenges and realities of risk. Such language simply alienates people and teaches them that Safety is about: superiority, power, exceptionalism, myth, messiahs and unreality.
If you want to know about the hero myth or the mythology of the hero in safety, then start here:
Myths are neither true nor real but manufactured with symbols to create their own reality.
We teach understanding mythology and symbols in our Semiotics programs (soon to be presented in Vienna – ) and use the following tools to help. See Figure 1. Myths and Symbols and Figure 2. Symbols and Myths.
Figure 1. Myths and Symbols
Figure 2. Symbols and Myths
For a much deeper understanding of mythology read here:
The hero doesn’t connect with the notion of vulnerability, mortality and fallibility. The hero rises above the day-to-day life of risk to become invincible. The hero is the god who delivers zero. The hero and zero are fundamentality anchored to the metaphysics of safety that desires and speaks the impossible and salvation from harm. The hero-zero cult requires fallible people to be infallible, mortals to be immortal and vulnerable people to be super human.
This is why Zero-Safety-Heroics presents a religious apocalyptic in the Spirit of Zero (
There is nothing more cultic than the hero of zero.
Zero is eternal, just as the hero is invincible. This kind of safety is simply religious rubbish.
If we want everyday people to better tackle risk, the last thing we need on the scene is Indiana Jones. Indiana doesn’t know weakness, suffering and harm, he always wins out in the end above absurd and invincible odds. Indiana doesn’t learn, he knows everything. Indiana lacks empathy because he knows he can rescue anyone, conquer all risk, he’s superior to everyone. When Indiana is on the scene, we can all stop thinking about risk.
How funny that the latest Indiana Movie is played by a feeble 81 year old, such is the mystique, mythology and disconnectedness of the movie-made hero.
Indeed, it is no coincidence that the movie/film industry is the great producer of modern religious myths:
Of course, all of this explains why no one in safety ever includes a discussion of religion in an understanding of culture. Yet, any anthropologist will tell you that if you want to understand culture, this is where you start. Perhaps this is why we are told in safety that the first rule of culture is to NOT talk about it.
This is why Safety has no idea how religious it is. This is why it speaks salvation at the hands of the hero of zero! This is why Safety loves salvation language (Safety Saves) and loves to worship gurus and salesmen selling safety goop to their hidden god (Money). This is why the global safety convention in 2017 looked like a scene from Hillsong (
Mythology is about distancing oneself from fallibility just as the language of myth distances people from reality. None of this helps anyone tackle the everyday challenges of risk. Every worker on the ground and at the coalface knows that zero is nonsense. The SPoR Zero survey demonstrates this conclusively (
So, if you want to be irrelevant to people in the everyday challenges of risk just anchor to the zero-hero myths. Enjoy the new movie, but remember, it’s not real.