The 10 most important things in a robust safety management system

Another article by the late, legendary Safety Guru, George Robotham. 

George’s Safety Reflections-Number 6

The 10 most important things in a robust safety management system

  1. Have well developed internal standards of OHS excellence.
  2. Define what excellence in implementation of the standards will look like.
  3. Train everyone in the above.
  4. Have thorough audits of implementation of the standards led by senior managers.
  5. Comply with statute law as a minimum.
  6. Ensure you have highly effective OHS personnel, often difficult to achieve.
  7. Ensure highly effective safety leadership is driven from the top of the organisation.
  8. Keep safety communications succinct and targeted at the needs of the receiver, COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE.
  9. Involve the relevant stakeholders in the development of an OHS plan truly applicable to your needs.
  10. Use industry accident experience, not just your enterprise accident experience to guide action.

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