After long discussions with Rob Long, Craig Ashhurst and others in the Centre for Leadership and Learning in Risk (CLLR) we have made the decision to develop a connected approach to communications for the Social Psychology of Risk by creating the SPoR Community Network. I (Matt Thorne Adelaide) have offered to be the conduit and manage this.
Recently, there has been much happening in SPoR across the world from Brazil, Austria, Norway, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Some of the ideas and methods being developed are fantastic and worth sharing. For example, our friends in Brazil are currently learning how to include Dr Ashhurst ‘Niche Wicked Problems Model’ in an integrated way in SEEK Investigations with Advanced iCue Engagement. The results are amazing. Dr Nippin Anand is also doing great things in iCue Workshops across Europe, Brian Darlington is continually innovating new things in Mondi and again developing practical approaches worth sharing. Rob and Nippin are doing things together in India and some wonderful innovations are being done here in Australia in SPoR.
Part of the reason for the creation of this community network is to share but also ensure the continuance of the great work started by Dr Long 20 years ago. Rob also wishes for SPoR to be the focus not himself as he drifts slowly into retirement. So, some key questions to consider:
How can we best learn from each other and support each other in SPoR? How will the Body of Knowledge of SPoR better penetrate the Risk and Safety world? How will we ask questions of each other to keep consistency in approach? How will we maintain the integrity of IP and methodology and methods as SPoR grows?
These things can only continue to grow with integrity if we hold to community values and continue the conversations.
First and foremost, this new Community Network could become a hub for sharing everything SPoR. What will you get to hear and see?
• Latest research
• SPoR sessions being held UK, Europe, Australia, Brazil and North America
• Training in SPoR Tools people are not unaware
• Observations from fellow proponents of SPoR who are implementing SPoR tools in situ
• Free online sessions/workshops advanced notice
• Book Reviews
• Online resources such as podcasts, training modules
• Mentoring and help for issues and problems where issues can be canvassed to a forum of understanding SPoR associates
What would you need to do?
Simply let me know that you want to join the SPoR Community Network from your favourite email address and we will put you on the list. Post to me:
Once we have begun the list I will put out a newsletter on a regular basis to let you know of SPoR happenings as listen above.
BTW, this will be an open group and transparency is important. If there are any sensitivities about the company or organization you work for then, please let me know and we can keep such things confidential for you.
Alternatively, it is great to know what companies and organisations are actually practicing SPoR and how things are going.
Cheers Matt