Telling Safety Stories

Telling Safety Stories

James Wood Front LargeSo we are all looking for ways to make safety interesting, thought provoking, confronting, challenging? Here’s something to think about.

I suffered a spinal cord injury at work in 1985, I admit that I “Stuffed Up”….. I was given training & my workplace had some rules & systems in place!….. But I made some wrong CHOICES & have been getting around using a wheelchair ever since!

About 17 years ago I was asked to share my story at a workplace, initially I said “No way!” I’m a diesel fitter, not a safety professional or public speaker. But then someone asked me if somebody had turned up at my workplace & shared their story would I have listened to it?

So I agreed to talk at this workplace & I’ve been doing it ever since! I use my story to show people the “Real” results of getting hurt at work!

I believe that by sharing my story it gives people the “Reason” to stay safe, it highlights how the training we are provided with & the safety systems we implement can allow us to do our work and can prevent us from getting hurt! It also reinforces the things that safety professionals & management are asking us to do, but shows them why you are asking them to do these things!

To provide this information I established C&B Safe Pty Ltd and since then we have gathered a team of injured employees or family members who have been impacted by workplace injury or fatality. All of our speakers share their first hand experiences on how an injury changed their lives and affected many of the people around them.

Our safety speakers cover the common causes of many injuries including taking a risk, isolation, fatigue and the injuries received as a result of these incidents.

We can bring our stories to your workplace no matter where you are!

Not only in Australia but internationally.

You could quite easily tell our stories to your employees at your workplaces, but it does not have the same impact as it does when it comes from the person that has been through it! I tell my story verbally, but the visual impact of me rolling into a workplace in my wheelchair creates the stimulus that makes the story real & has a lasting impact.

We know what it is like to get hurt, we know what we have been through & are still going through. Hopefully we can prevent others from experiencing some of the things that we have!

C&B Safe Pty Ltd is an Australian based business providing Safety Speakers to workplaces. James Wood is an internationally recognised award winning safety speaker, James has won numerous awards for his work in the field of Safety Information and was recently acknowledged by his peers at the Hunter Safety Awards as the 2016 WHS Champion.

James Wood Bio

James Wood offers workplaces something different. He shares the story of his workplace accident!

James made some wrong Choices, and ended up in a wheelchair for the rest of his life!

James’ Safety Presentation has long lasting and significant impact on the Choices you make.

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