Safety Training Needs Analysis


Safety Training Needs analysis

by the late George Robotham

A major lesson in my professional life is that whatever is done in OHS must be preceded by a thorough needs analysis. The perceptions on needed change that managers, supervisors and workers have must be incorporated in the change process. There must be organised processes in place to surface these perceptions.

Needs Analysis Project-Generic Approach

  • Identify stakeholders
  • Separate stakeholder’s needs from their wants
  • Define the objective of the project or work to be carried out and facilitate a force-field analysis
  • Identify project risks
  • Define current state
  • Define desired state
  • Explore how important the gap is
  • What is the cause of the gap
  • What are the solutions to close the gap
  • What are the benefits of the solutions
  • What are the costs / commitment of the solutions
  • What are the risks of the proposed solutions
  • How do you measure success
  • *Throughout define Phases / Activities / Milestones / Targets of the project

Refer to “Safety Project Steps” on for more detail.

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