Safety as a Mental Health Disorder – Obsession

imageObsession is considered a form of mental health disorder. To be obsessed is to be imbalanced and to be continually preoccupied with something so that it intrudes on normal balanced living. I have met a few sports ‘obsessed’ people in my time and they often describe themselves as ‘fanatics’.

When we are ‘obsessed’ with something we distort reality. When we are ‘obsessed’ with something we lose sight of other things in life that deserve our attention. Being ‘obsessed’ is not a good thing. Obsession is a mental health disorder.

( ). Obsession is closely connected to compulsion which is about doing things to excess and being excessive.

The last thing we should be advocating or promoting is for others to become obsessive.

Imagine my disbelief when I found out that an organization demands that their employees be ‘obsessive’ about safety. ( )


Imagine being so ‘obsessed’ with safety that one has a warped view of work and the world? Imagine making all things secondary to safety? This is the typical nonsense one expects from an extremist worldview. A wonderful bed companion to zero harm.

Of course, being obsessive is never ethical, being obsessed is warped. Being obsessive is bad. Psychologically, its quite straight forward, obsession is bad for you. Only Safety could demand that such a bad thing is good. Advocating such an extremist view is both dangerous and fosters mental illness as good.

See also: How an Obsession with SAFETY Leads to Mental Illness & Tyranny

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