Keeping Your People and Practice Safe

Keeping Your People and Practice Safe

Veterinary Industry Guide to Workplace Safety 2016/17 – Released

VET5-6-Chart-Image-v2-72dpiPeople working with animals are at risk of being bitten, scratched, kicked, butted, horned and stung during handling, and that’s not the half of it, veterinarians face many hazardous situations on a daily basis. Pro-Visual Publishing, in partnership with the Australian Veterinarian Association and the Australian Veterinary Association Practice Management, has released the latest edition of the Veterinary Industry Guide to Workplace Safety, this year with interactive Augmented Reality (AR) capabilities.

Incorporating this innovative technology into the guide has created a space for interaction and a window for more information and resources relevant for the veterinary industry. Simply scanning over any AR capable content using the free Pro-Vis AR App will allow users to instantly download relevant content to their smart device.

The guide covers a range of topics including:

· Handling heavy animals and avoiding bites and scratches.

· Developing a Safety Management System (SMS).

· Radiation safety and sharps hazards.

Along with these topics, it is important to consider some of the threats to the health and wellbeing of veterinarians in your practice, whether it be stress, grief and loss, depression, anxiety and so on. This guide promotes the importance of treatment and support of depression in the workplace, how to identify symptoms and where to seek help.

Further information can be accessed through the Augmented Reality features on this guide to assist practices in taking steps to stay healthy, respond to risky situations and inevitably go home safely at the end of each day.

“I would like to thank all the sponsors of the Veterinary Industry Guide to Workplace Safety 2016/17. Their support has made it possible for the Guide to be distributed free of charge.”

– John Hutchings, CEO, Pro-Visual Publishing.

Pro-Visual Publishing is the leading specialist in wall-mounted workplace health & safety, food safety & hygiene, and wellbeing information resource guides. Each guide is practical and informative, providing a quick reference point for management and staff.

For further information, or to obtain additional copies of the Guide, please call (02) 8272 2611, email or visit

For media enquiries or images please contact Deanna Davenport at Pro-Visual Publishing on (02) 8272 2611 or

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