The idea of myth-busting supposes that myths are in the same dimension as rational, logical thinking and that one can use rational tools like measurement and evidence, to ‘prove’ something right or wrong. But Science doesn’t work this way. This focus on proofs, right and wrong is just ideology in the form of dogma (Scientism). Real science works in the dimension of mystery and the unknown. Parker demonstrates (Myth Busting Physics ) that Science doesn’t know very much for certain indeed, much remains a mystery. Any dabbling at all into quantum physics, opens up an endless domain of mystery.
Trying to bust myths is like trying to use plumbing tools for agriculture. Myths are not about rationality nor about evidence, and this doesn’t make them falsehoods. Myths are symbolic stories that are sourced in the deepest recesses of cultural knowing and are founded on cosmologies, faith, belief and wisdom way beyond the dimensions of scientism.
There are no proof’s or right and wrong myths. Indeed, we could just as easily debate the ethical and moral value of many of the assertions of Science and Engineering. Just because something can be done or performed doesn’t make it right.
A Podcast to Help Understand Myth
To try to understand the problem with Myth-busting I suggest one watch this wonderful podcast from Nippin Anand
In this podcast you will he confronted by the problem of myth-busting and why myth is essential for being and living with the world of risk.