Originally posted on December 19, 2022 @ 4:35 PM
Psychosis is a combination of symptoms resulting in an impaired relationship with reality. It can be a symptom of serious mental health disorders. People who are experiencing psychosis may have either hallucinations or delusions. A delusion is a false belief or impression that is firmly held even though it’s contradicted by reality and what is commonly considered true. For example, zero harm is such a delusion in denial of fallibility (https://www.humandymensions.com/product/fallibility-risk-living-uncertainty/).
When it comes to Christmas, we often wish people a ‘Happy’ Christmas or a ‘Merry’ Christmas. For those in the politically correct zone they might wish people ‘Happy Holidays’, ‘Seasons Greetings’ or any number of alternatives (https://holidappy.com/holidays/Alternative-Ways-to-Say-Merry-Christmas). Interestingly, none of the alternatives suggest a ‘Safe Christmas’. Of course, when you have a safety obsession (https://safetyrisk.net/safety-as-a-mental-health-disorder-obsession/) you wish people a ‘Safe Christmas’.
Normal living and being is not ‘framed’ by an obsession with safety. Most people frame their world by living, being and doing. And when it comes to Christmas we think of family, celebration, gifts, fun and Socialitie.
However, for those that want to be told how to be safe at Christmas, these are for you:
· https://www.afta.com.au/news-hub/staying-safe-over-the-christmas-break
· https://www.rospa.com/home-safety/advice/christmas-safety
· https://staysafe.org/safety/christmas/
· https://healthandsafetyhandbook.com.au/bulletin/top-tips-to-stay-safe-over-the-festive-season/
· https://www.safewise.com/blog/keep-home-safe-secure-holidays/
· https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/workplace-holiday-safety
· https://www.surrey.ac.uk/news/10-top-tips-staying-safe-online-christmas
· https://www.keepinglifesane.com/christmas-safety-tips/
· https://insurance.woolworths.com.au/insurance-talk/tips-to-stay-safe-this-christmas.html
· https://www.nsc.org/community-safety/safety-topics/seasonal-safety/winter-safety/holiday
It makes you wonder, do people actually give any attention to all this ‘noise’ about safety at Christmas? Probably not. We know that ‘telling’ doesn’t work and ‘telling’ has nothing to do with learning.
Much of this stuff is meaningless, like telling someone to ‘take care’ before they travel or ‘be safe’ at work, such expressions are meaningless.
Who in their right mind would NOT want to be safe, this is the drive of Homeostasis (https://safetyrisk.net/understanding-homeostasis-and-risk/ ), the inner drive to self-sustain life. No-one in their right mind wants to harm themselves at Christmas. Only Safety believes (under the influence of the nonsense Bradley Curve) that people have a ‘natural desire’ to harm! Most of this language is meaningless and creates a psychosis of safety obsession.
Who wants to be told to be safe as if people ‘chose’ to be unsafe? Oh yes, ‘safety is a choice you make’, ‘all accidents are preventable’. More meaningless slogans premised on the belief that unsafety is a choice.
So, if something happens to you this Christmas you will be soothed to know that Safety has already blamed you before the event.