The human condition is unique, paradoxical and ‘wicked’.
If you want to understand fallibility, human mortality and human personhood then read some of the following as be a helpful start. If you want to condemn fallibility as some kind of ‘curse’ or negative projection, then just continue to preach mythology about what you don’t know.
One thing is for sure, none of these are on any reading list across the globe in safety.
Fallibility is connected to the mythology of ‘the fall’ but simply means to make mistakes as the result of imperfection. Making mistakes is fundamental to understanding human personhood and any suggestion that humans can be perfect is a sign of a mental health disorder ( ).
More so, fallibility is a blessing. Without fallibility humans would never experience ‘the human life’ and ‘being’ human. Neither would we know what it is like to love, learn and live.
The opposite of fallibility is stasis (zero) – perfection. So, to be fallible is to know movement and move in being.
The foundation for fallibility is understanding embodiment and mythology. These modules were offered recently in SPoR in Canberra.
The idea of humans as being dis-embodied is Cartesian mythology and drives nonsense ideas such as ‘machine learning’ and ‘brain-centrism’. There is no evidence for any of these. Machines don’t ‘learn’ because they have no bodies, e-motions or ‘being’. The repetition of algorithms and data is not learning. The brain is neither a computer nor the centre for human judgment and decision making. Both myths foster the delusion of safety as zero (
A little research into Damasio, Fuchs or Johnson will quickly dispose of these myths.
The real problem about fallibility is those who want to reject it and who would rather embrace Transhumanism. This is the quest for zero. The fear of harm, injury and death is the fear of fallibility. This is the trajectory of the zero cult.
The key to being effectively human is to embrace fallibility and all of its blessings including the eventual reality of death and dying. And, if you deny such an ending, you really do have a problem.