Social Psychology of Risk – Body of Knowledge

Originally posted on April 4, 2016 @ 7:31 PM

I first came up with the idea of a Social Psychology of Risk in 2003. This came about as a range of experiences and studies fused together in that year. The more I discussed the Social Psychology of Risk, published books and delivered training in the discipline, the more I realized that this was not being done elsewhere.

I have been asked on numerous occasions what the Social Psychology of Risk is about and in many ways it is not necessarily something that should be explained in text. The Social Psychology of Risk is something that is best explained in narrative or in semiotics. This is because the discipline itself is essentially social and, because human being and actions are defined socially, relationally. It would seem strange to explain something that was social and relational in a non-social and non-relational method.

The Social Psychology of Risk has an interesting evolution, emerging out of a combination of traditions and disciplines. This is mapped below in Figure 1. The Evolution of a Social Psychology of Risk.

Figure 1. The Evolution of a Social Psychology of Risk.


The map (Figure 1.) comes out of the foundational Module One in Social Psychology of Risk Studies which is delivered to risk and safety people, security people, Managers, Leaders and Executives in organisations. This introductory Module is being delivered in 10,11,12 May in Sydney ( Other

Other Modules in Social Psychology of Risk Studies will be offered publically later in the year in Melbourne and Canberra. The eight modules in the Studies on offer are:

  1. Introduction to the Social Psychology of Risk
  2. Following-Leading in Risk
  3. Communication and the Unconscious in Risk
  4. The Social Psychology of Organising and Risk
  5. The MiProfile Diagnostic
  6. Holistic Ergonomics
  7. Learning, Community and Risk
  8. The Social Amplification of Risk

If you or your organization are interested in these studies please contact

So, I get asked on many occasions what is the Social Psychology of Risk about and as part of Module One introduce The Social Psychology of Risk Body of Knowledge (BoK) or Mapping the Social Psychology of Risk. The Social Psychology of Risk Body of Knowledge is something that is best mapped rather than documented in text. Using a map saves from falling into the trap of academically documenting a theory of everything and, keeps away from trying to piece together a coherent idea of something from volumes of text. It also remains true to the roots of Social Psychology and the foundations of semiotics.

This BoK map is below at Figure 2 (Mapping a Social Psychology Risk).

Figure 2. Mapping the Social Psychology of Risk


Explanation: The map at Figure 2. shows the many areas of knowledge that comprise the Social Psychology of Risk discipline. Each ‘bubble’ represents a knowledge area and the small text inside the bubble (and on lines) indicates the leading authors and thought leaders in each field of knowledge.

The relationships between each bubble, the ‘stands’ of common knowledge areas, the psychology of colours, the centrality of the i-thou and, the place of the collective unconscious are all critical for this Body of Knowledge. The map is fully explained in Module one of the Social Psychology of Risk Studies and gives direction for how to develop knowledge in this discipline further. The BoK serves as an excellent framework for risk and safety people to further develop their capability in tackling and managing risk in organizing.

If you would like to discuss the BoK or how this might be helpful in developing your leadership in risk or, if you would like one of my associates to present to you in your location about the BoK please email me at

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