We already have over 20 registered for the first free module for 2025, Embodiment and Risk. You can see the module outline here: https://cllr.com.au/product/embodiment-learning-and-risk-module-26/
You can sign up via email: admin@cllr.com.au
Understanding personhood as embodied is essential for understanding risk. This means that we understand the human Mind as the whole person and don’t think about the brain as a directing organ. This changes the whole way we approach risk and learning.
When Safety tried to talk about human-centrism there is never a mention of any of this (https://safetyrisk.net/and-the-innovation-is-humans/) and this demonstrates clearly that this supposed innovation has no methodology or method.
The brain is NOT the centre of decision making nor does it make decisions independently of the body. We have written about this previously:
The human body is much more than just a carrier for a brain, the whole body is integrated, interaffected and intracorporeal in all decision making. And, the evidence for this view is overwhelming (https://safetyrisk.net/essential-readings-neuroscience-and-the-whole-person/)
The stuff put out by amateurs in safety about the brain (https://sentis.com.au/resources/safety-and-the-brain/?v=8bcc25c96aa5) is nonsense. There is simply no evidence to support the metaphor of the brain as computer. If you want to be ethical and professional in safety, its best to go to sources of professional expertise to begin to understand human judgement and decision making.
Nonsense like this: https://safebraininitiative.com/ and this https://www.safetydimensions.com.au/whats-the-neuroscience-behind-safe-behaviour/, is NOT published by experts in neuroscience but rather by Safety.
The idea of brain-based safety (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/brain-based-safety-understanding-neuroscience-edwin-figueroa-nazario-sczie) is a concocted idea developed by amateurs in safety, with no expertise in neuroscience. This stuff (https://www.brainbasedsafety.nl/en/) complements the other goop where engineers in safety become experts in culture, ethics (https://safetyrisk.net/safety-the-expert-in-everything-and-the-art-of-learning-nothing/) and heuristics. This is how we end up with nonsense like ‘habitsafe’ and ‘using the brain as PPE’ (https://safestart.com/videos/cristian-sylvestre/), delivered by engineers in safety! Yes, you read it right, ‘use the brain as PPE’! Only Safety could think up such nonsense. Only Safety could describe the brain using PPE as a metaphor.
Only in safety can you propose ideas about neuroscience with no expertise in neuroscience.
Most of this is just marketing for traditional safety, behaviourism (https://safetyrisk.net/turning-neuroscience-into-behaviourism/) and has nothing to do with science (https://safetyrisk.net/the-myth-of-neuroscience-safety/). None of this has any research base. None of this is supported by any research in neuroscience. This makes this concocted goop both unethical and unprofessional.
So, if you want to know about why an embodied approach to risk matters and how this makes a difference to the practice of tackling risk, then you can register for the free module here: admin@cllr.com.au
The five sessions will start at 7am Tuesday February 2025 (Canberra EST time). The sessions will be conducted on Zoom by Dr Robert Long.