Culture Cloud Tour part 9; Language, Linguistics and Paralinguistics

We resume the culture cloud tour after a week’s hiatus, because even Dave C needs a break from work and a holiday. Hope you are well rested and relaxed in the run up to Christmas mate!

Language as a part of Culture is foundational. How you organisation expresses itself, the common language, and the delivery of that language, can have a profound effects on its people.

Imagine telling your child every hours for a week ‘You’re a loser’. Within a week that child will believe it and will adopt appropriate behaviours attached to that concept. You will have done incalculable harm.

Critical Thinking and Critical Discourse also touch on Language but that needs another chapter all to itself.

The spoken word is unconscious and what is available to us in the moment, so the sender and receiver are crucial in how this discourse proceeds. Power. Politics, gesture, rituals, attitudes, beliefs all play a part in Language

Linguistics and Para-Linguistics:

Linguistic communication informs the receiver about the intentions of the sender using explicit verbal forms.

Para-linguistic activity is communicative behaviour that is non-linguistic, non-verbal and non-measurable, but nevertheless coded and meaningful. Eg. Ritual, gesture, myth, memes, signs, ceremony, enactments are all para-linguistic

Here is the link to the latest video, enjoy!


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